City Council Workshop Minutes
July 24, 2018
4:00 pm
Attendees – Mayor Bobby Blalock, Councilmen Joe Walter, William Thomas, David Woods, Dewey Yarbrough, City Administrator Larry Mitcham ,City Attorney Rob Morton, and City Clerk Amanda Burbage.
I. Mayor Blalock called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. Prayer/Pledge – The prayer and pledge was led by City Administrator Larry Mitcham.
II. Adoption of Agenda – Motion/Second to adopt agenda, as amended, was made by Walter/Yarbrough and passed 4-0.
III. Old Business
1. Discussion of Amended Liquor Ordinance.
Council discussed some additional changes to the Liquor Ordinance.
IV. Adjournment – Motion/Second to adjourn was made by Yarbrough/Thomas and carried 4-0.
Meeting was adjourned at 5:00 pm
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Bobby Blalock, Mayor Amanda Burbage, City Clerk