1. What address should the three hard copies of the proposal be sent to?
The City of Zebulon
7818 Highway 19 South
Zebulon, GA 30295
If using the U.S. Postal Service, please send to
The City of Zebulon
P.O. Box 385
Zebulon, GA 30295
2. We could not find the location on the City website where the RFP is posted. Would you kindly provide a link where addenda to this solicitation will be posted?
3. What was the number of building permits issued for the last twelve months? How many issued per individual month?
Pike County Building and Zoning has issued 62 permits on behalf of the City of Zebulon between January 1, 2021 and April 15, 2022.
4. What was the number of plan reviews performed for the last twelve months? How many performed per individual month?
Currently, no building plans are being reviewed by our current service provider, which has led to some challenges for local builders with some code requirements changing after permits have been issued. The City wants to start the review process for new commercial construction and commercial remodel/renovations once we have resumed building permitting in the city in order to get code issues resolved before permits are issued.
5. What was the number of inspections performed for the last twelve months? How many performed per individual month?
Pike County Building and Zoning does not track the number of inspections they conduct. However, depending on the type of application they would conduct between one (1) and six (6) inspections per permit. The number may be higher if they have to do any type of re-inspections.
6. Will office space be available to the contractor staff as needed?
7. How much money is allocated for this contract annually?
This will depend on the volume of permits issued and inspections performed.
8. How many full-time onsite employees will the contractor need to provide?
9. Will any positions be required to office full-time at your offices?
10. Can any of these positions be staffed remotely or on an “as needed” basis?
11. The RFP mentions permit issuance. Is this going to be done by City staff or by the contractor? Can this be done with an online portal?
Permitting will be done by city staff, with guidance from the contractor, as needed. We will most likely not use an online portal process in the beginning, but would be open to exploring this option at a later date.
See Request For Proposals for Building Code Compliance Services